Covington- Main Street Director

The Chamber of Commerce of Covington, Georgia is seeking a full time Director to coordinate downtown revitalization activities using the Main Street Four-Point Approach.  Applicants should have excellent communication, public relations, and managerial abilities, with a strong administrative background.  Previous Main Street Executive Director experience desired; experience in special event planning, small business development, and volunteer recruitment/management a plus.  Position requires a dynamic, outgoing team player with the proven ability to multi-task, work in an independent environment, and work with both the public and private sectors.

Excellent communication and public relations skills.  Managerial abilities with strong administrative background.  Previous experience desired: special event planning, small business development and volunteer recruitment.  Dynamic outgoing team player.  Ability to multi-task. Work with both public and private sectors.

How to apply:  Submit Resume to Rita Wasson.  Be sure to include a cover letter and three references.

Deadline:  April 27, 2017

Submit Resume: 
Rita Wasson (
Administrative Assistant
770-786-7510 Ext.32

  • Location: Covington, GA
  • Posted By: Jessica Reynolds
  • Posted On: March 11, 2017